Meet Lympid: Revolutionizing Investment in Real-World Assets (RWA)

From Horses, Art, Luxury Watches, US Treasuries to Real estate and more.


It’s time to meet another Poolside Accelerator project: Lympid.

Lympid has established a regulatory-compliant platform in Europe to issue and trade Real World Assets (RWA), offering a neo-bank-like app for investing in premium RWAs.

In this article, you will learn more about their vision, product, team and upcoming features of Lympid. 👇


Premium assets worth trillions are typically accessible only to the mega-wealthy. Lympid challenges this exclusivity, enabling investments in prestigious assets with entry points ranging from $30 to $1 million. Through tokenization and fractionalization, Lympid divides high-value assets into manageable portions, allowing you to invest according to your financial capacity.

The platform manages custody, insurance, and due diligence, ensuring a seamless experience where a simple click offers significant benefits.

Lympid believes in demystifying complex financial jargon, eliminating hidden fees, and offering educational resources to equip customers with the knowledge needed to understand the world of investing.


Lympid has established a regulatory-compliant platform in Europe for issuing and trading Real World Assets (RWA). Through a neo-bank-like experience, Lympid enables users to invest 24/7 in RWA with an easy-to-use app that provides access to premium assets such as horses, art, luxury watches, US Treasuries, and real estate.

New ways of investing

  • Luxury Watches: With Lympid, users can now buy shares of curated timepieces, such as a Rolex Daytona, directly on the platform. 
  • Doriano, an elite show jumping horse, is the first-ever tokenized show jumping horse in the world and is now available for trading. European users can register on the Lympid app, available on any app store or desktop and worldwide users can trade the assets on-chain. 
  • Curated art and other high-value assets, expanding users' portfolios with unique and prestigious items, will soon be available for trading. 
  • Lympid will soon be releasing their first luxury Real Estate asset, in a world renowned holiday location.

The platform is user-friendly, with no gas fees, making the investment process straightforward and efficient. Global users can access these assets via decentralized exchanges like PancakeSwap, ensuring everyone can participate in this revolutionary market.

Lympid Executive Team

A team built by legal experts and crypto enthusiasts eager to demystify the financial and trading sectors. 

Strategic Partnerships

Lympid is supported by notable partners such as 1inch, Chainlink Build, and Fintech House. These partnerships ensure Lympid's innovative approach by leveraging 1inch's decentralized exchange aggregation for optimal trading efficiency, Chainlink's robust oracle network for secure, reliable data feeds, and Fintech House's dynamic fintech ecosystem to foster collaboration and growth, enhancing the transparency and reliability of our tokenized asset platform. 

With additional strategic alliances with Anchorage Digital as a business and security advisor, Ankr for scalable blockchain infrastructure, and Segup for comprehensive insurance solutions, Lympid enhances its platform with expert guidance, reliable and efficient services, and robust security measures for our users.

Lympid is transforming the landscape of premium asset investment. By leveraging tokenization and fractionalization, it opens up exclusive investment opportunities to a broader audience with direct investments from vIBAN accounts, thus ensuring a secure and user-friendly environment. Additionally, crypto users can seamlessly access and trade these tokenized assets on decentralized exchanges (DEXs) like PancakeSwap, Thus Lympid combines the security and easiness of traditional finance with the flexibility and innovation of blockchain technology.

About Poolside
Poolside is an ecosystem designed exclusively for web3 builders. With its suite of services and expert resources, Poolside helps web3 projects make a splash in the rapidly evolving world of web3. In addition to being a physical hub at the heart of the web3 district in Lisbon, Poolside also hosts a remote accelerator program that takes selected projects from ideation to market launch, while providing initial funding of up to $100,000. The Poolside ecosystem is rapidly expanding with key partners and a growing community of web3 builders, mentors, and investors.

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